Admission Process - Imagine Montesori School

Admission Process

The 4 steps of the admission process

1. Request a meeting

Before the meeting you will need to fill out a form. Once completed, we will contact you to arrange an online meeting. At Imagine we are a close-knit community and we would like to get to know you.

2.Get to know our school

You can visit our school, familiarise yourself with our values and how we integrate the British curriculum as well as the Montessori pedagogy. We have two locations: Imagine Valencia and Imagine La Pinada (Paterna).

3. Visit the school with your child

We would like to invite you and your child to spend some time with a Guide in the classroom.

4. Admission outcome and enrolment

We will inform you of the admission process outcome following the assessment carried out by our pedagogical team and depending on places available.

Would you like to meet us?

Register below and we will contact you

School year applying to*

  • School year applying to*

  • 2024/2025

  • 2025/2026

  • 2026/2027

  • 2027/2028

Select centre*

  • Select centre*

  • La Pinada

  • Valencia

Single parent family?*

  • Single parent family?*

  • Si

  • No

Number of children*

  • Number of children*

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

Father / Mother / Tutor 1

How did you find out about us?

  • How did you find out about us?

  • Google search

  • Other website

  • Press and radio

  • Social media

  • Friend recommendation

  • Otro

Father / Mother / Tutor 2

Children attending primary education (over 5 years old) must select "La Pinada".